Welcome to the Graduate Career Consortium
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The GCC leads the advancement of graduate and postdoctoral career and professional development as:
Thought leaders in the national and international landscape, promoting the value of graduate education for diverse career paths
Highly-trained experts leveraging the collective expertise and diverse backgrounds of our members to prepare future leaders
Cutting-edge innovators establishing professional standards, best practices, and new ideas to improve career preparation of graduate students and postdocs
Engaged mentors to current and future members of the profession, providing resources and support for a growing membership
Incorporated in 2014, the GCC became an official 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in 2015. For more information on the GCC, please contact us at info@ymddt.starjalshabd.com
Leading the advancement of the graduate-level career and professional development community while engaging and nurturing the unique nexus of expertise, knowledge, resources, and people in the graduate career and professional development community